Explore our extensive product range
At the Hungry Horse we offer the very best range of animal feed and supplies. From feed and supplements to rugs and clothing, we have everything to keep you and your stable fully stocked!
Can’t see what you need? Call us on 01564 700090
Below you will find just a small insight into what we offer at our store. For all your animal feed and pet food supplies why not visit us in-store or contact us about our local delivery service?
We carry all major brands, including Allen and Page, Baileys Horse Feeds, Dengie, Spillers, TopSpec, Pure, Mollichaff, HorseHage and more.
For pets we offer a large range of food – from raw to kibble, with treats to suit every diet
We stock a selection of agricultural supplies, equipment and feed for all life stages of agricultural animals from lambs to llamas and cows to piglets.
We stock a selection of poultry feed, supplements, bedding and housing treatments.
Hardware & Fencing
We offer a range of gates, fencing, and hardware to protect your animals from escaping and keep your property secure and tidy.
Electric Fencing
We carry a large range of electric fencing energisers, tape, posts and connectors